In-Person Services

Semi Private Personal Training 12-Pack
from $1,000.00
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New Client Intro Membership: 1-Month
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Personal Training Consultation (*Money Back Guarantee)
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Train365 | The AF Annual Membership
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Personal Training 12-Pack
from $1,600.00
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Train 24/7 - After Hours Gym Access Add On
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Speed Assessment
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always a good vibe.

With integrity and gratitude for each individual that has built the vibe and defined the culture.

A past celebration on 11.22.22

“The company you keep has a large influence on the situations you bring to yourself. So, whatever direction motherfuckers are heading in, whether it’s rap music, production, or a 9-5 life, whatever it is; you gotta surround yourself with people that’s likeminded and focused on the same goal you’re focused on. Birds of a feather flock together.” -NH

Only 33 of each piece available. The marathon continues.

Follow on social for what’s to come.

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